10 Tricks To Prevent Car Windows From Fogging Up

It is one of the main drawbacks of winter, our car glass is fogged up by the temperature difference and it reduces our visibility to the point of being dangerous; we figured out how to fix it
10 tricks to prevent car windows from fogging up

During winter there are more traffic accidents due to low visibility due to foggy windows in vehicles. Luckily, you can try some of the following tricks to avoid fogging up your windows and drive more safely, especially in the coldest time of year.

Why are my car windows fogging up?

Moisture contained in the environment condenses on contact with a cold surface. For this reason, the windows of the vehicle fog up, making it difficult to see correctly.

If the car also carries more than two passengers, the phenomenon also happens from the inside, as condensation increases. To prevent it from happening, just keep in mind the following to improve the visibility of the car and drive smoothly.

How to prevent car windows from fogging

1- Air conditioning

Air conditioning outlets.

Turning on the air conditioning in cool mode reduces the amount of humidity in the environment inside the vehicle, because it balances the outside and inside temperatures.

If the air conditioner has an anti-fog option, so much the better; that way, the visibility will be favorable. Keep in mind that fuel consumption will increase, which is why many prefer other alternatives.

2- Heated rear window button

Most cars have a button that, when activated, heats the glass in the rear windows, preventing them from fogging up. In some vehicles this option only works for the rear.

3- Anti-fog products

You can find anti-fog products in specialized stores, which considerably reduce the condensation of moisture on the windows of the car.

The disadvantage of these types of products is that they can leave traces on the glass. To avoid this, you just have to follow the instructions to prevent the glass from staining.

4- Roll down the windows

This emergency option works when it is not so cold and you can bear to drive with the windows down a few inches. The air inside is renewed and the glass equalizes its temperature with that of the outside, preventing it from fogging up.

5- Silica

It is available in pharmacies or pet stores, either in the form of gel or sand. Place the silica in a cloth bag and leave it under the driver’s seat or on the instrument panel. The silica absorbs moisture and the crystals no longer fog up.

6- Shampoo

Using a dry cloth, spread a little hair shampoo on the windows in a layer to prevent the car windows from fogging up. In addition, these types of products will give the car a pleasant perfume.

7- Alcohol

Alcohol has the ability to increase the temperature of surfaces. Cleaning the glass inside with a newspaper soaked in alcohol repels moisture; however, it is not one of the most popular options.

8- Potato

It is a traditional homemade trick, the best known alternative that is available to everyone . The starch contained in potatoes forms a layer that prevents air condensation on the glass; the method consists of cutting one in half and passing it through all the crystals before leaving.

9- Vinegar

In a spray bottle, mix one part white vinegar with two parts water; apply on the crystals and dry with a cloth. This solution is quite effective in preventing car windows from fogging up and lasts all day.

10. Laundry soap

Clean car glass.

It works the same as shampoo, forming a protective film on glasses. A little soap powder is mixed with water, a cloth is moistened with the resulting solution, and the car windows are checked.

For vehicle maintenance, liquid soap or detergent can also be used. Even a regular bar of soap will work, if it is passed through the glass leaving a thick layer and then wiped with a dry cloth.

Ineffective cleaning

What should not be done when cleaning the car is to wipe the already fogged glass with a cloth. The only thing that is achieved by doing this is that the humidity is transformed into droplets that drip all over the glass, worsening the visibility.

On the contrary, any of the tricks mentioned above are effective, cheap and accessible to every driver. Putting them into practice is a preventive measure to avoid incidents this winter and to drive with peace of mind.

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