9 Plants That Help Relax Muscles

We do not lack options for relaxing tense muscles. But if the pain does not improve, consult a doctor.
9 plants that help relax muscles

Today’s life, full of obligations, stress and sedentary occupations leads to many health problems. As for the muscles, the most requested are those in the neck, shoulders and spine, as a result of sitting in front of the computer. In order not to resort to medical treatments, you can use various herbs that help to relax the muscles.

Acute pain

Neck or back pain that barely allows you to move your head is one of the most common problems today. The feeling of “pressure” in the back or hips makes you feel that your whole body hurts.

Even if you use massages, put on a hot compress or sit in a comfortable chair, it will take your muscles a long time to “get back to normal”. If you want to leave the pain behind, you can confidently use a series of herbs that help relax the muscles.

Relaxation of the muscles in the neck area

They are consumed as an infusion, so that the feeling of relaxation and calm is felt not only in the muscles, but also in the brain, stomach and other organs. You will be able to rest better, get rid of pain and be more efficient at work.

Fortunately, there are many natural treatments for muscle aches. They have no side effects. They are much safer than medicines, although they make their effect a little harder. If you want a quality remedy for muscle relaxation, you need to add these plants to your daily diet.

Do not forget that you must also adopt a balanced and healthy diet to relax the muscles. You need a daily intake of 1500 mg of calcium, 1500 mg of magnesium, 99 mg of potassium and 3000 mg of vitamin C.

Bath for muscle relaxation

The best plants for muscle relaxation

  • Rosemary : is a spice often used in the kitchen. It has health benefits, having calming effects. You can take a bath by adding a little rosemary in the water to relieve muscle cramps and spasms. You can also massage your wrists with rosemary essential oil. If you put cold compresses on painful or inflamed areas, you can fight the symptoms of arthritis.
  • Valerian: has been used for hundreds of years to relieve neck pain. It also has a sedative effect, being recommended for insomnia and anxiety. You can make a tea or an infusion of valerian or you can buy capsules from a natural pharmacy. This plant has a very strong smell that is not tolerated by everyone.
Plants for muscle relaxation
  • Chamomile : is an extraordinary sedative, one of the best known and most recommended. It is used to treat muscle pain, but also menstrual pain, for tension, headache, anxiety, stress, emotions, etc. It will relax your tense muscles and has anti-inflammatory properties, relieving cramps.
  • Handcuffs or catnip grass : it is a plant that is part of the mint family. It is a natural sedative and helps to relax the muscles. Among other things, it helps reduce swelling in the wrists, soothes headaches caused by tense conditions and heals minor injuries.
  • Cayenne pepper: it is often used for various recipes and has been shown to be very effective in relieving and treating pain caused by muscle cramps quickly.
Hot peppers for muscle relaxation

Plants that help relax lesser known muscles

  • Radish : the faster version has been used since ancient times to relieve cramps and muscle pain. You need to buy or prepare a radish essential oil that you add to hot water to take a bath or massage.
  • Wild thyme: it is a thyme-like plant, which thanks to its essential oils helps to relax muscles naturally. You can drink as many cups as you want a day.
  • Passiflora : also known as the passion flower, it is very beautiful and has many properties, its petals containing phytosterols and flavonoids, both substances having antioxidant effects. It also contains alkaloids, essential oils and other ingredients with calming and analgesic effects. It is used to combat insomnia, muscle contractions, stress, anxiety, etc. You can consume it as an infusion.
  • Lavender : a very beautiful, purple-bluish flower, which has many properties, helping to treat many diseases. Lavender oil is known for its effectiveness in relaxing muscles. You will need to massage the painful area with circular movements to stimulate blood circulation. Then take a hot shower to relax your mind and body and allow your muscles to rest and heal.

Photo source: Unique Hotels, which Delohery, Dennis Wong, Pato Novoa, John Athayde and Alvaro Galve.

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