6 Steps To Forming A Habit

By learning some strategies for forming a habit, you can take major steps towards your dream projects and goals. In today’s article, we show you how to get started.
6 steps to forming a habit

Forming a habit is a mystery to many people. So, even though you wanted to improve your health, achieve a career goal, or learn a foreign language, you never managed to achieve those dreams.

Habits are important components when it comes to fulfilling our desires. The problem is that we often make up excuses like “I don’t have time,” “I’m not motivated enough,” or “I don’t feel ready yet.”

What is a habit?

As mentioned before, habits are very important because they can guarantee success, guiding you towards achieving your goals. According to some studies, a habit is: “The ability of people to organize in a different way than it is natural.”

At the same time, the researchers state that: “In the field of psychology, habits are actions acquired through experience and performed regularly and automatically.”

Woman meditating in bed
It is not easy to form a habit. But it is essential to do this in order to achieve what you want and to overcome the excuses.

It is important to be able to differentiate between customs and traditions, these two terms denoting different concepts. Although a tradition involves repeating certain actions that do not necessarily have to be voluntary or conscious, habits involve making decisions by the person who adopts them.

In other words, the habits are acquired voluntarily and are implemented in a conscious way. For this reason, current theories emphasize that “habits are automatic responses based on context.”

This last definition suggests that people adopt habits through a process in which memory plays a key role, through associative learning.

Strategies for forming a habit

Some experts say that when a person adopts habits in a family unit, it is much more likely that he will maintain them for the rest of his life.

Children, in some cases, acquire healthy habits by imitating the behavior of older people around them.

However, because habits are acquired through learning, it is possible to adopt them one by one. Below, we present some tricks for forming a habit.

1. Think about what you want to achieve

You probably wanted to improve a certain aspect of your life, such as eating healthier, giving up an addiction, or starting your routine earlier.

Elderly woman applying tricks to form a habit

In order to form a new habit, it is important to clarify the thing you want to improve. Then you can start making changes gradually, until they become habits.

2. Start by taking the first step

No need to make major changes in one day. For example, if your goal is to jog every morning, set aside 10-15 minutes for this activity on the first day. Don’t overwork yourself – you will reach your goal gradually!

3. Plan your habits properly

Avoid ambiguity. For example, instead of saying “I’m going to jog tomorrow,” he says, “I’ll wake up tomorrow at six o’clock and jog for five minutes.” Be specific when it comes to planning habits.

4. Establish a plan

Remember that when you want to form a new habit, you will face various excuses to return to the old behavior, such as: “It has nothing if I don’t do it today”, “I’ll do it later”, “I’m too lazy to get to work.” To avoid this trap, create an action plan and be prepared for those moments when excuses will invade your mind.

For example, if you want to enjoy the benefits of meditation, you can arrange the mat in time so that the room is already prepared. If you want to jog, get your equipment ready the night before. If necessary, put your mobile phone in silent mode and avoid distractions so that you can focus better.

5. Set alarms on the mobile phone

These alarms should be associated with specific tasks. (The six o’clock alarm should, for example, alert you that it’s time to jog.) You can put your tickets at certain strategic points in your home, such as mirrors or the living room, to remember what you must do.

6. Keep track and observe your behavior

Woman checking her mobile phone at the cafe
Setting alarms on your mobile phone can help you remember the habits you want to adopt.

If you have developed a plan and are about to adopt a new habit, you will feel satisfied with yourself and what you have achieved. Thus, your level of motivation will remain high.


Replacing old habits or adopting new ones begins by changing limiting beliefs. Some people tend to stumble upon ideas like “That’s me.” Such beliefs are very restrictive and can prevent you from achieving your goals. Maybe you should reevaluate your value system.

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