Exhausted And Without Strength, But Happy

Exhausted and without strength, but happy

Exhausted, tired and without strength: this is what fathers and mothers feel when they finally put their children to bed. As soon as children fall into a peaceful sleep, fatigue suddenly turns to happiness.

The fatigue we feel in the daily upbringing of children is different. Although it seems that every fiber of our body is in the wrong place, something seems to be right inside. It strengthens us and makes us more alive than before.

That feeling is called well-being. It is about becoming aware that happiness means sharing and creating. It is knowing that our children are well and that they grow up healthy and happy thanks to us.

Nevertheless, we must be aware that family life will not always be like this. It is important to know that as children mature, so does their behavior. And with that, they have to accept a series of obligations and challenges.

Parenting and raising children involves their own language. We never stop learning new expressions. Sometimes we tell ourselves we won’t be able to do everything and we won’t make it to the end of the day, but we do it anyway.

Almost without realizing it, we act like experts, like giants who can see much further. We anticipate risks and emotional needs. Parenting may not be magical, but it is a wonderful stage.

Our brain is more tired than our body


When the end of the day comes, we are extremely exhausted. Our arms, legs and head hurt. We also have cramps and sleep to catch up on. Strange as this may seem, what aggravates this fatigue is our brain.

Stress due to hypervigilance

Sometimes psychological pressure is more exhausting than physical exertion. Experts call it hypervigilant stress, something very similar to what soldiers suffer in the context of war.

Both the father and the mother have a series of obligations towards their children. They must be alert in all circumstances and be present in any disagreement.

There comes a time when this situation can be disastrous. Our lives change in such a way that we don’t think about ourselves at all. Our priority is that vulnerable being we need to protect and love.

The fear that something bad could happen to him sometimes causes additional fears and distress. This kaleidoscope of emotions leads to tremendous anxiety and fatigue.

Together we are exhausted but very happy

We are exhausted but happy.

Both parents may work outside the home. Or they may have agreed that one of the two will raise the children temporarily. Be that as it may, one thing is clear: the education and upbringing of a child is not the task of just one person.

Children do not have a single role model. There is nothing more beautiful than the feeling of being part of every stage and contributing to every possible task.

Saying goodnight to your child is the icing on the cake of another day, a magical moment that happens every day. That emotional bond with children is not forgotten. It builds memories and positive emotions.

Finally alone, finally a moment for ourselves

When we are parents for the first time, intimacy is lost or it weakens a bit. Love is still there but sometimes the partnership is missing and needs to be revived.

The moment when the kids finally fall asleep is almost like a date. However, the simple fact that you are exhausted can take away some of the magic. There are dark circles around the eyes, unkempt hair, old pajamas and toys lying on the floor.

And yet we feel happiness. That is the well-being caused by the good work done by the partners together.

That’s where we get lost in some deep conversations, where we talk about everything and nothing, where we dream of the future, where we hold each other and fall asleep… always on the alert in case our kids need us. 

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