Tips For Potty Training With The Montessori Method

Tips for potty training with the Montessori method

Doctor and teacher Maria Montessori left us an important method of raising our children. With her knowledge, she has helped us make progress in various aspects of motherhood. We would now like to talk about a method for potty training your child.

As we know , the process of omitting diapers is a process that takes a lot of time and dedication. There are several ways to do this, but they all require consistency and patience. The biggest challenge of this process is rapid adaptation. But because we are not professionals, this process often takes a very long time.

In general, children get through this process without trauma. The worst that can happen for the parents is the extra cleaning after some accidents.

But whichever way you choose , it ‘s important not to put any pressure on it. You have to give your children the time they need to adjust. By doing this, you avoid possible negative psychological consequences.

How do you know if your Montessori method will work?

Child on the toilet

The Montessori method has achieved many great achievements all over the world. This specialist in child development has developed a method that is very effective. However, the outcome of this process depends on how you approach it.

It is very important that we wait for the right moment. Every child is different and learns at their own pace. Once a child is ready and so are we, this method will work a lot better.

According to the author of this method, it is important to respect your little one’s personal process. Your kids’ actions will be signs of whether they’re ready.

Your child will adapt to his environment at his own pace. If we realize that he wants to be independent, it’s up to us to make sure he achieves his goals himself.

Maria Montessori’s Tips for Avoiding Diapers

Maria Montessori’s method is based on a child’s anatomy. As parents, we can get restless at times and want to speed up the process. There are several reasons why we want to potty train our child before he is ready.

Montessori, doctor and teacher, thinks it is very important that we respect the anatomy of the child. In other words, we have to wait quietly while giving our child the tools he needs. Below are the main points of the Montessori method.

Age is not the problem

Even if your child is old enough to learn how to use the toilet, it doesn’t mean he’s ready. Most theories claim that you should get rid of diapers when your child is 2 years old.

However, the Montessori method suggests that the right time is when the child is psychologically able to control his sphincter muscles. The age of one may have something to do with this, but it’s not the determining factor. It’s not something your child can learn from scratch. His body must be ready.

There is no right or wrong time of the year

Sometimes we wait for a specific time of year to potty train our children. For example, many parents try to potty train their children in the summer because they can bathe their children often and have less clothes on without having to worry about the cold.

Also, we sometimes feel pressure to potty train our child because he is going to kindergarten soon. But just because it’s hot outside and school is about to start, it doesn’t mean your child is ready.

This also applies to winter. Even though we have extra concerns in winter because of the cold and humidity, if your child is ready, you should seize the opportunity. Whether it’s summer, winter, spring or autumn: you have to use the signals your child gives.

Provide the right environment

Mother potty-trains child with the Montessori method

Montessori already explained that you should make use of your child’s anatomy. It is important that your child does not feel that he is dependent on others to solve his problem. Therefore, your child should know what he needs to use the toilet and have easy access to it.

If your child uses a potty or adjustable toilet seat, make sure it is within reach. This way he can easily grab the things he needs when he realizes he needs to go to the toilet.

Pay attention to your child’s body language

Parents often force their child to sit on the potty until they have urinated. For your child this can feel like a punishment and that is anything but motivating. It is best not to force your child to sit on the toilet.

According to the Montessori method, we should pay attention to the gestures of our child that indicate that he needs to go to the toilet. We also often have to ask if he needs to pee or defecate.

Avoid the reward system

Child on a potty

The adjustment process should come naturally and your baby should see it that way too. This isn’t about performing a special activity, displaying a talent, or completing a mission. We should avoid rewards because this is another step in your child’s development.

Sooner or later our child will be ready and it is important that he starts the process naturally. Giving rewards can put pressure on your child and frustrate him if he doesn’t succeed.

Don’t get angry and don’t punish your child

If your child knew exactly what to do, we wouldn’t be talking about this problem right now. How can we expect our children to change their habits in one day when they have been wearing diapers all their lives? Your child knows no other way of urinating or defecating than to do so in his diaper.

Therefore, you have to be ready for the mishaps and the mess and accept it as part of the process. Don’t see your child’s mishaps disobedience. He is still learning.

We must be patient and loving and not get angry when our child acts clumsy. Above all, we  must motivate our child to achieve his goal. Try not to pay attention to accidents. Calmly give directions to your child without scolding or getting angry.

Rome wasn’t built in a day

Don’t expect to achieve your goal in any time after you drop the diapers. There are approaches that claim that your child can be potty trained in three days to a week. But we all know that life doesn’t work that way.

Approach the Montessori method as naturally as possible: no pressure, no high expectations. Apply this method subtly, just like your little one earns in every other area. Avoid setting deadlines or time limits and pay attention to how quickly the stress goes away. 

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