Third Party Insurance, Considerations And Advice

When choosing third party insurance, we have to take into account our needs, since despite being mandatory, they are not all the same.
Third party insurance, considerations and advice

We already know that third party insurance is a civil responsibility of Spanish drivers. With this resource, we make sure that we can pay the expenses of a traffic accident, in the case of being responsible.

But even though it is mandatory, it does not mean that we should not choose a good policy with favorable conditions. Making a good choice can save us from many monetary problems, and legal in the worst case.

For all this, third party insurance is a matter that we cannot choose lightly. Let’s see some considerations in this regard.

What does third party insurance bring?

The first thing that is required of us is the mandatory subscription Civil Liability. With it, we ensure that those injured in claims are not left without coverage in the middle of an emergency. This includes physical and material damage.

Another important concept is the voluntary subscription Civil Liability, which is a useful extension in case the expenses exceed the limit of the mandatory civil liability.

But in addition, insurers tend to offer complementary services and improvements that can be useful for customers. Although it may be too much to meet the needs of others, there are actually advantages to these add-ons.

Third party insurance tips and considerations
Some policies include a replacement vehicle as an added attraction.

Other complementary services

Some insurance companies offer to cover some legal defense expenses in the event of a lawsuit by the victim. Damage claim coverage is also often offered for vehicles registered with the policy. Another addition that is seen a lot in Spanish policies is that of bodily accidents.

It is also common for these insurances to integrate the glass breakage service, thus covering extraordinary risks. This can be beneficial in the event of vehicle damage in the midst of a mass protest, natural disaster, or simply from a small rock being thrown on the road towards the top of the vehicle.

Typically, third party insurance coverage includes travel assistance. In this way we can cover many of the expenses that an accident entails in this type of situation. These extras can cover expenses that we would otherwise have to pay out of our own pocket.

Some additional service trends

Every day insurers come up with proposals to attract clients who by law must take out this type of policy. For example, the companies Verti and Liberty Seguros also offer the option of a replacement vehicle. The idea is to respond to the transportation problem of the affected person when the car has to spend some time in the workshop.

Others cover cases of fire or theft, as part of the “moons ” service. They are add-ons offered within a more basic third-party insurance plan.

All this means that not all insurance of this type is the same for the simple fact of being mandatory. For this reason, we must see it as a matter of forecasting and not as a simple expense foreseen by the legislation. What is necessary is to think carefully about the indicated option before making a decision.

Beware of cars to own relatives

Another aspect to consider is to understand to whom the assistance and indemnities of the insurance to third parties apply, and under what conditions. You always have to look at the “fine print” of the policy, to know what is really included.

third party insurance tips and considerations
The details of the policy to be contracted must be read carefully, to make sure that it includes coverage.

Delinquent or reckless conduct is not included in this type of coverage. The applicable regulations themselves include these contingencies. This assumption includes cases of drunkenness, drug addiction, etc. The law provides that mandatory liability insurance does not cover the driver in this case. And the insurance companies will be in charge of proving what has happened and under what circumstances the accident has taken place.

¿ How to choose third party insurance ?

Deciding on one company or another depends on a very personal analysis . For example, age, or if we travel frequently outside of Spain, it is best for our policy to have travel assistance. And also that this assistance does not have a defined limit of kilometers.

What is certain is that the decision cannot be taken lightly. We are not facing a simple mandatory expense: third party insurance can protect our financial future in the event of causing an accident.

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