How To Know If We Should Align And Balance The Car?

We analyze which are the signals that indicate that we must request an alignment and balancing, we must be fully aware of the importance of correcting possible failures in the shortest possible time
How do we know if we should align and balance the car?

Aligning and balancing the car every so often is a priority issue. Both mechanical procedures ensure good operation, driving comfort and good maneuverability. The problem is that many drivers do not understand what it is.

Although both tasks pursue the stabilization of the car, we mean two different things. The alignment consists of an adjustment of the angles of all the wheels of the car ; the idea is that they all remain in a perfect parallel position.

On the other hand, the balance of the wheels allows that vibrations are not generated in the rotation of its axis. Simply put, this process corrects wheel-tire debris.

Signs that help us to detect the need for alignment

An aligned car moves in a straight direction when the steering wheel is not in motion. But if our car moves to the side when we release the steering wheel, then it is not aligned.

Car driving on the shoulder.

We also have a misalignment when tires wear unevenly. This can only mean that one or two wheels are hitting the ground more when driving. If the weight goes more to the side, this wear will be generated.

Instability and loss of adherence to the ground are other factors inherent to misalignment. We can see this when we step on the brakes and the response time is less fast than normal.

Detecting unbalance: vibrations and strange noises

The signs of imbalance are quite noticeable. Hearing strange sounds and vibrations coming from the front of the car is the greatest evidence of the need for rocking. But this is not the only sign.

If we suddenly reach a certain speed and the steering wheel begins to vibrate, then we are facing another evidence of imbalance. This almost always happens above 90 km / h. Uneven tire wear is also a clear warning.

Why is misalignment and imbalance generated?

The movement of the vehicle itself and changes in speed are the main reasons for the imbalance. After all, a tire moving faster than 90 km / h generates square revolutions per second. This force generates constant impacts that mainly affect the wheels.

With regard to misalignment, this can be caused by falling into a hole, or any type of blow. A collision with another car or with a blunt object also causes this type of inconvenience. This can happen even with a low intensity impact.

Choosing a good mechanic

In any case, wear and tear itself will make this type of repair a periodic issue. From time to time we will have to resort to technical service for checking and correction. There are good reasons for aligning and balancing the car.

Aligning and balancing the car : Why should we do them?

By being aware of the alignment we will give our tires more useful life. This will be just the beginning, because the whole car is prone to breakdowns and wear from imbalance and misalignment.

As is often the case, with proper prevention and maintenance, we will save a lot of money in possible subsequent breakdowns; When carrying out these maintenance processes, we take care of the proper functioning of the dashboard and the steering wheel.

Remember that  when regulating the friction of the tires with the ground, we monitor the efficiency in terms of combustion. In this way, our machine will make better use of fuel and this is synonymous with monetary savings.

Added to all this, driving becomes simpler, more comfortable and smoother. But it’s not just about getting smooth with every ride: alignment and roll provide security behind the wheel. Maneuvers are more controllable and braking occurs in a timely manner.

In conclusion, aligning and balancing the car are two technical tasks of rigor. We can request them during annual reviews, but they should also be done after small impacts or when we make changes to the suspension or steering. The key is not to neglect ourselves with this care.

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