Is It Bad To Leave The Car Stopped For A Long Time?

For different reasons, sometimes our vehicle stays idle for a long time and we will have to take certain precautions to avoid this situation taking its toll.
Is it bad to leave the car stopped for a long time?

The problems derived from leaving the car stopped for a long time is a common concern among drivers.

Especially among older people it is not uncommon to find vehicles that do not move more than once every many days, either for some reasons or others, a car that remains stationary for very long periods can suffer some breakdowns, so some tips should be taken into account.

Start the car once every 10 days

This is an important guideline to prevent mechanical elements such as the motorcycle from losing their usual dynamics. Even if the car is not going to be circulated, it is advisable to start it at least once every 10 days so that the vehicle’s mobile systems start up.

The car won't start.

An engine that has been idle for a long time can offer some toughness when reacting, and fluids such as oils, brake fluids or antifreeze can cake, making it difficult to move through their respective systems. Even gasoline can rot if it sits in the tank for a long time.

The most advisable thing would be to even take a short tour with the car, instead of just starting it. In this way we can also start the braking system and the wheel axles. In addition, moving the vehicle will cause the weight not always to fall on the same point of the wheels.

Leave the tank full

If the car is not going to move for a long period of time, it is advisable to leave the fuel tank full. This will reduce fuel evaporation as there is less air space inside the tank.

Also, due to volatile fuel prices, having a full tank can lead to some savings, as gasoline or diesel prices may have risen over the months.

Disconnect the battery

It is clear that a vehicle that remains stationary for a long time can break down, and one of the elements that will suffer deterioration before will be the battery. Leaving the battery connected to a car idle for a long time can totally consume the life of this element, making it impossible for the car to start.

Increase tire pressure

Of course, this pressure increase will always go within logical limits. It is convenient that the pressure of the wheels is higher than normal if the car is going to stand still for a long time. This will prevent tire damage and wheel deformation by concentrating the entire weight of the vehicle on the same point for a long time.

Correct tire pressure for safety on road, car, wheel

Another interesting tip is to place bricks on the underside of the car. In this way, after the natural deflation of the wheels, the weight of the car will be distributed on these elements, and not only on the tires.

Connect the rest of the internal elements of the car

In addition to starting the engine every few days, it is advisable to connect systems such as air conditioning to avoid clogging in its ducts. It is also important to raise and lower the windows, check the electrical controls, and move the mirrors.

The main idea is to move all the possible elements so that the mechanisms do not get stuck due to disuse. This can prevent future wear problems or the presence of hardness and resistance in these moving parts.

Cover the car with a tarp

If the car is going to be idle for a long time, it is advisable to cover it with a tarp. This will allow you to be less exposed to the outside and to be protected against environmental elements such as rain, snow or dust.

Apply a coat of wax

Giving the vehicle a coat of wax will help keep the paint in good condition, especially if the car is not going to move for a long time. Combining this advice with the previous one on the canvas will ensure that the exterior aesthetics of the car will not suffer damage during its period of disuse.

Tips to extend the life of your car.

Have someone to help

Finally, a good idea is to have a trusted friend or relative to hand over the keys to so that you can apply these tips in case the owner of the vehicle is absent. In this way, even if the car remains idle for a long time, its appearance and its mechanisms will not suffer deterioration.

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