The Most Dangerous Sections Of Spain

One of the greatest risks of driving is precisely that of traveling some of these most dangerous sections.
The most dangerous sections of Spain

Our roads include many sections in their route that are really a continuous source of problems, therefore, they could well be considered as failures in the road infrastructure and black spots. The campaigns of the DGT, the Civil Guard and insurance companies make their contribution, but the desired effects are not always achieved. From this perspective, knowing which are the most dangerous sections of Spain can be useful for national drivers.

Prevention goes far beyond avoiding alcoholic beverages, narcotics and complying with traffic regulations, we must not forget that information can also be an element of value for the driver. Statistics alert us to avoid a tragic incident.

Precisely for this reason, here we will know some of the most dangerous sections of Spain. Knowing them could even save the lives of a few people on the road.

Most dangerous sections of Spain:  l as outputs of large cities are scary

As is already known, Madrid, Seville and Barcelona have the most dangerous sections year after year. The influx of vehicles is greater, but in addition, some road segments have structural problems that facilitate the occurrence of accidents.

Most dangerous sections of Spain black spots
There are roads where visibility or road conditions facilitate the occurrence of accidents.

In Madrid, the A-1 has left several unfortunate events, especially at kilometer 16 that corresponds to Alcobendas. Similar is the exit from Seville from the beginning of the SE-30. In the province of Barcelona, ​​the C-31 is also one of the most dangerous.

Mentioning only the cities would be to ignore a much broader reality at the national level. This is indicated by a study carried out by the organization of  Associated European Motorists (AEA). The work reveals which are the most dangerous sections of Spain.

According to this statistical investigation, the most conflictive road segment in all of Spain would be kilometer 358 of the N-122, right at the entrance to Valladolid.

Several sections of Asturias repeat on the list

Asturias  is one of the autonomous communities with the greatest influx of this type of sections, in which we must take special precautions when traveling. In fact, there is the second most dangerous section of the country : kilometer 37 of the N-632.

This same road has a high accident rate at kilometer 57, as well as at km 141 of the N-632A., In which from kilometers 60 to 64, they could practically consider a single black point.

On the other hand, Valladolid has an important peculiarity: there are several roads with compromising sections. For this reason, in addition to the N-122, both the N-601, which connects this municipality with Madrid, and the N-620 stand out. We are referring to a very specific segment of the so-called “route of the Portuguese”.

The section with the most accidents is Pontevedra

If we count any incident, the section with the most vehicle accidents is kilometer 12 of the A-55. For this reason,  Pontevedra maintains the negative national record with a total of 110 accidents per year .

Another of the problematic provinces on the road issue is Zaragoza. The N-330 highway is delicate at kilometers 439, 467, 479, 441, 469 and 444. In fact, the first 4 sections mentioned are among the 11 most dangerous in Spanish territory. We refer to a road that crosses a good part of the country from top to bottom.

most dangerous sections of Spain roads
At very specific points on some roads, the level of traffic directly influences the chances of suffering an accident.

In addition to all this, Guadalajara also makes its contribution to the list by having the 7th most complicated section, located at km 16 of the  N-204. Girona, Lleida, Palencia, León La Rioja and Cuenca roads complete the top 50 of the most dangerous for drivers.

Accident data give us hope

One of the greatest risks of driving is precisely that of traveling some of these most problematic sections, where trends worsen with each passing year and, from where we can deduce, that neither the level of information nor caution is being optimal.

As a positive point, it should be noted that, if both the administration and the drivers are aware of these fateful scenarios, the solution to many of the accidents is to take signaling measures, improve infrastructures to guarantee the safety of the roads, and a higher level concentration and care behind the wheel.

Especially during the dates when the number of trips increases considerably, such as the Christmas holidays .

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