How Much Is Left For The End Of Private Cars

It is uncertain, but what is clear is that renting for users can be the alternative formula to owning; Since it is more and more common for people to finance their vehicles, the cost of the monthly fee plus general maintenance can be more expensive than a rental
How much is left for the end of private cars

Analysts and vehicle companies perceive that the end of private cars is near. Owning is less profitable every year and the alternative of renting has more and more followers; Some are already forecasting a future for individuals who rent autonomous software- driven cars .

Just over 15% of the cars that circulate in Spain are part of rental companies; It is a formula that has increased by 20.48% in recent years in our country. The projections are on the rise, beyond the conservative character of the Spanish driver.

Why is owning a car less profitable?

The numbers prove it: the own expenses that come with the financed purchase of a car are higher than your rent. Making a projection, the monthly payments of a purchased car almost reach € 400; In contrast, the monthly payment for a rental does not amount to € 250.

Another problem with buying our own car is paying for maintenance work, revisions, etc. And everything gets more expensive for many drivers, used to changing cars every four years.

In many cases there are vehicles that spend 95% of their useful life parked; In this way, we buy something that only serves us for a limited time and that still requires great care. A new concept comes to provide a bit of clarity in this matter of the purchased or rented car: mobility as a service.

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Mobility as a service: end of private cars

To this day, a large majority of users purchase their vehicle because they want the freedom to move at an affordable cost. But in reality, rental services can serve both functions with increasing success.

To this we must add the fact that the future of the motor company is autonomous cars managed by software . The current driver will soon be a kind of companion and manufacturers would be called upon to take care of the entire transport process.

Autonomous vehicles are expected to start operating by 2040. But the effects of the change are already leading the business statistics and by 2020 it will be even more evident. Nowadays, renting is not reserved only for companies, but there are many individuals who use it more and more.

How is the renting

Renting cars is a business that has a certain time, although before it was limited to business and tourism. As we are seeing, now individuals also contract the use of cars for a long time.

It all starts with the signing of a contract where we promise to pay exclusively for the use of the vehicle. The services to which we access through the vehicle and those of the company, insurance, among others, are also part of the agreement.

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Furthermore, if the service is discontinued before the end of the contract, compensation is usually stipulated for the company. If we travel a greater number of kilometers in relation to what is established, we also pay for them; Another obligation has to do with taking the car to technical service when indicated.

The good news is that the user of the vehicle is not responsible for paying its maintenance costs, nor is it responsible for car insurance. However , there is also another type of rental with much less payments and clauses: flexible renting .

The renting Flexible: changing consumer

Basically, what differs from this type of rent a car service from the traditional one is that there is no long-term obligation. In this type of rental, we will not have a minimum number of kilometers established, nor compensation clauses, and therefore its denomination of flexible renting .

The renting flexible is not very profitable for everyone; It is usually requested by people who need to use the car in a certain location, for a few months. Self-employed workers and certain types of professionals prefer this modality, due to their own work dynamics.

The concept of ownership

In many European countries (Spain included), the concept of property still follows. We need to feel like the owners of cars, houses, etc. ; but this is not the case in all parts of the world.

With a small change in mentality, and using renting in the case of cars, we could enjoy different models from time to time, saving us many of the expenses they generate. It is a question, in any case, of comparing prices.

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