6 Recommendations To Avoid An Accident

Common sense is what dictates the rule so as not to suffer a serious mishap; Speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol, mobile distractions and a car in poor condition are some of the most common causes of accidents
6 recommendations to avoid an accident

Unfortunately, traffic accidents continue to have alarming figures for our society. In each year, more than a million people lose their lives due to accidents and run over worldwide.

In the reality of traffic situations, prevention is the key, and here are six recommendations to avoid an accident.

  1. Control the rush of day-to-day driving

At present we are driven by rush, stress and it seems that time will never be enough. Therefore, one of the greatest enemies of safe driving is the watch itself.

If we have an appointment and we calculate 30 minutes to arrive, the ideal is to leave with twice the time. The unforeseen can always appear and traffic jams are all over the city; it is better to be prepared and avoid an accident.

  1. Lack of driver education kills

The lack of driver education is a dangerous reality that advances with the speed of an epidemic and causes deaths throughout the planet. All drivers know how to drive a car, but most have no real knowledge of road safety and legislation.

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Currently, many experts defend the need to include driver education in the school subjects of our young people. In this way, children would grow up with a comprehensive understanding of traffic and driving responsibility.

While this educational reform is not a reality, ways to educate regarding roads can be sought. Today, we have the potential of the internet to facilitate our analysis and further our knowledge.

We must also remember the need to appeal to common sense, to give preference to pedestrians and maintain a balanced behavior at the wheel.

  1. The circuit in the streets is a danger on wheels

Cars are becoming more modern, faster and more automatic. If on the one hand it facilitates our daily life when driving, it also increases street racing.

Sporty driving on the streets is a risk for pedestrians and other drivers; it goes against common sense and is a serious offense.

There are many professional and amateur circuits where you can take advantage of a sports car. But none of them are found on the highways and streets of the city center, surrounded by pedestrians and urban infrastructures.

  1. Drunk driving means more than a fine

On many occasions, it seems unreal that people do not perceive that their drunken state influences their senses and reflexes. When we have a few too many drinks, it becomes difficult for us to clearly distinguish sights and sounds; even our reasoning suffers.

Traffic regulations in other European countries other than those of Spain.

Drunk driving can result in a much greater injury than a fine. A drunk driver can put yourself and all other pedestrians and drivers in your path at risk.

If we have had a few too many drinks and we have an event or a date, it is best to use public transport or take a taxi to avoid an accident.

  1. A vehicle in good condition can prevent an accident

Part of driver education and common sense is taking responsibility for our own vehicle. Any machine that is defective or needs servicing can cause an accident, and the car is no exception.

It is very important to conduct periodic reviews to monitor the status of the brakes, wheels, lights, etc. And if we intend to go on a trip, we must verify that the car is able to hit the road and support the weight of the luggage.

  1. The mobile phone must be stored while driving

This is another of the harmful habits of our technological society: we are always aware of notifications on our smartphone . When driving, the mobile phone is a distraction that can cause an accident. Therefore, the ideal is to leave it well stored while we are behind the wheel.

If we expect an urgent call or message, we can park the vehicle to check its screen, and then put it back. It is worth remembering that no notification can be more important than our own safety.

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