How To Entertain Children On A Long Car Trip

A long trip is always a challenge in order to entertain the little ones, who tend to suffer more than the rest to have fun and be relaxed on the way; we leave you some ideas that can achieve it
How to entertain kids on a long car trip

We love driving and whenever we can we choose the car before any other means of transport. But when children are already involved, a long trip seems to get more complicated. Would you like to have some ideas for entertaining the kids on a long car trip? Well, take good note!

Entertaining kids on a long car trip isn’t that complicated

“How much is left?”, “Is there a long way?”, “Can I have some water?” These are just some of the phrases that you have surely heard more than a thousand times from your children while traveling by car. How to avoid them? Entertaining them!

Choose the best boot for our car according to our needs.


We already know that you would love to listen to your favorite music, but if you do this, your children will not let you enjoy it because they will start with their questions. The best thing is that you look for songs that they love and that you can all sing together.

Prepare them in advance on your mobile or on a pen drive to have everything well tied. This will make for a good stretch of time in which the children will be entertained.


Bring coloring pencils and notebooks. If at any time they get bored with songs or any other activity they have carried out, coloring will most likely give them an extra touch of fun.

If you have more than one child, you could do a contest like, for example, to see who best draws mom or dad or who is capable of drawing our car. They are sure to get to work to do their best.


The co-pilot can prepare a small play with small animal puppets or dolls that are placed on the fingers. This will be a lot of fun and they too could participate in the theater. Time is sure to fly by.

Tips for traveling with children.

I see I see

This is a classic in car travel that still works. There are so many things to play with on the road and in the car that a long period of time will have passed before you know it. And the children will have a great time !

Learn car brands

This is an entertaining game, especially if you are a regular on our blog and know car brands. You can not only say what the brand is called, but what country it is from and show them on a map where it is.

In this way, this activity will not only be entertainment but also a way to teach them something useful.

Find colors

Let each one choose a color and watch how many cars of that color they see during the trip. Whoever sees more wins. Of course, you will have to give them a prize so that they are encouraged to play again. In the next round they could change color.

Show him the signs

During the journey you will surely come across a lot of signs. Teach your children what each one means and then ask them when you see some that you have already taught them to see if they remember it.

This will be very entertaining and educational at the same time. They sure love it!

Make stops

Do not forget that it is normal for children to get bored and tired. To avoid it, it is recommended that you make stops every two hours and give them something to drink or eat or even buy them a candy. So they will be looking forward to the next stop and you can use this to keep them calm until the time comes.


And although we always try to avoid electronic media in order for our children to learn to have fun in another way, the truth is that using these from time to time does not have to be a bad idea.

Multifunction displays for cars

A tablet or a mobile with some of your favorite movies downloaded or videos of your favorite characters, can be a very good option to make time pass quickly.

Have you already taken good note of these tips for entertaining kids on a long car trip? Surely the trip will be more enjoyable for everyone.

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