8 Little Known Uses Of The Microwave

Among the least known uses of the microwave is the disinfection of sponges and cloths. All you have to do is keep them in the oven for a few minutes after soaking them in vinegar or lemon juice! 
8 uses of the little-known microwave oven

The first microwave oven was sold in 1946. However, it was only after seven decades that it became one of the essential elements of a modern kitchen. However, there are also lesser known uses of the microwave.

With the help of the microwave oven you can easily heat your food or even cook some simple dishes. In addition to these basic uses, the microwave oven can be used for other domestic purposes that many people do not know.

Today we present you the most unique uses of the microwave oven, to take full advantage of the advantages offered by this appliance.

We recommend that you be careful when you put them into practice and that you do not heat metal objects in the oven.

Uses of the microwave oven

1. Detaching stamps and seals

Stamp patterns

If you want to keep the stamps or seals on the received views, you can heat them a little in the microwave to facilitate peeling. Moisten them first with a little water, then put them in the oven for 20 seconds. You will see that they come off much easier.

2. Chop the onion without tearing

Chopped onion

The sulfur compounds contained in onions are the ones that make you “cry” when you cut this vegetable. The knife cut bothers the cells, and they release volatile sulfur compounds that make you cry when they come in contact with your body.

You can stop this process by putting the onion in the microwave before cutting it. Cut off its ends and heat it in the oven for 30 seconds.

3. Disinfection of sponges

Uses of the microwave oven for disinfecting sponges

Dish sponges and cloths are objects that we use to clean various surfaces in our homes. They come in contact with dirt and bacteria of all kinds, which is why they can be more contaminated than the toilet bowl.

That is why it is important to clean and disinfect them, instead of throwing them away when they are still good. Soak them in white vinegar or lemon juice and heat them to maximum temperature for 1 minute. The acids in these ingredients and the heat in the oven will kill the pathogens in sponges and cloths, preparing them to be used again.

4. Squeeze a larger amount of lemon juice

Uses of the microwave oven for squeezing lemon

If you are afraid that the lemon you have on hand does not have enough juice for the dish you intend to cook, there is a very effective solution you can use. Heat the fruit in the microwave for 20 seconds and squeeze the juice while it is hot.

This process helps to change the physical structure of the lemon so that you can squeeze every last drop of juice.

5. Prolongs the “life” of mascara

Mascara in warm water

As we all know, the mascara brush dries very easily under certain conditions, and when you apply this product, you load the lashes with unsightly “lumps”.

If you have noticed that your mascara also has this irregularity, prolong its life with a very simple trick. Put the mascara in a glass of water and heat it in the microwave for 30-40 seconds. This method helps it regain its liquid texture, and you can use it for much longer.

6. Dyeing fabrics

Uses of the microwave oven for dyeing clothes

Are you tired of the color of a certain item of clothing? If you buy a paint and use the microwave oven, you can give it a completely different look.

Put the coat in a bowl of water and add the paint. Cover the pot and heat the contents in the microwave to maximum temperature for four minutes. At the end, wait a few minutes, after which you can check the new color of the item of clothing that you “reconditioned”.

7. Sterilization of jars

Uses of the microwave oven for dish sterilization

When sterilizing jars for preserving certain foods, you can remove pathogens from the glass surface. The most used technique is to boil the jars in a saucepan with water for a few minutes.

But if you want to save time, but enjoy the same benefits, put the jars in a water bath and heat them in the microwave for two to three minutes. When the water starts to boil, you have to take them out of the oven.

8. Understand hot

Uses of the microwave oven for hot compresses

To relieve muscle pain or inflammation, fill a sock with lentils, tie a knot at the end and heat it in the microwave for four minutes. Check that it is not too hot, then apply this compress on the problem areas until it cools completely.

Have you ever wondered how many uses of the microwave there are? Now that you know what uses it can have, don’t hesitate to put them into practice to make your household chores easier.

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