5 Habits To Increase Muscle Mass

If you want to develop your muscle mass naturally, keep in mind that resting between training sessions is as important as the training itself. That way, your muscles have enough time to grow.
5 habits for increasing muscle mass

Muscle development is a goal for people who want to be strong and have a toned figure. Discover some habits for increasing muscle mass!

Muscle mass refers to the volume of muscle tissue. In other words, she is that lean body mass that determines your strength and physical endurance.

But increasing muscle mass is not an easy task. We must make a continuous effort, following a proper diet and exercising enough.

At the same time, it is important to understand that developing muscle mass is a long-term project. The results obtained vary depending on our lifestyle.

Because we know that many people want to have a strong and toned body, in today’s article we propose 5 habits for increasing muscle mass in a safe and natural way.

1. Adopt a daily exercise routine

Movement on the list of habits for increasing muscle mass

If your main goal is to increase your muscle mass, keep in mind that the only way to get the results you want is to adopt a daily workout plan that includes high-intensity exercise.

This type of physical activity causes micro-injuries to the muscle fibers. Finally, the body repairs them so that the muscles are bigger and stronger.

Of course, this process can only be carried out properly if you support it with a diet rich in high quality nutrients.


  • Start by adopting a cardiovascular exercise routine. These will help you burn fat.
  • Remember, muscle growth occurs in multiple phases. So, initially focus on burning fat.
  • After you have passed this step, adopt a routine to increase strength, which will train every muscle in your body.
  • Gradually include increasing weights in your routine, as overload can cause injuries.

2. Serve 5-6 healthy meals every day

Dividing daily meals into 5-6 servings is one of the best habits for increasing muscle mass.

Due to the frequency of meals, you will improve your metabolic activity. This will reduce the risk of your body storing excess fat.

Among other things, serving several meals throughout the day will keep your energy level high, increasing your physical performance.


  • Instead of serving 3 large meals a day, create a diet plan that includes 5-6 small meals.
  • Make sure you only eat healthy foods and keep your calorie intake under control. If what you eat is harmful, dividing it into multiple portions will not bring you any benefit.

3. Increasing the intake of protein and carbohydrates

Hyperprotein diet on the list of habits for increasing muscle mass

High quality protein and carbohydrates play an important role in toning and increasing lean body mass.

These essential nutrients supply the body with energy. In addition, they are fundamental in the process of repairing muscles after training.


Consume healthy sources of protein such as:

  • beans
  • The vegetables
  • Lignified seeds and fruits
  • Weak fish
  • Sea fruits
  • White meat
  • eggs

Don’t forget to opt for the beneficial carbohydrates from:

  • Oat
  • Rice
  • Bread and wheat pasta
  • Potatoes
  • Beans
  • Quinoa

4. Increasing water intake

Water is one of the main components of the human body. For this reason, a sufficient intake of water is essential to keep the fibers and tissues in optimal condition.

This vital fluid helps to synthesize other important nutrients. In addition, water facilitates the transport of oxygen to the muscles, ensuring their proper functioning.

A dehydrated body will lose muscle mass, developing fatigue and physical limitations.


  • Make sure you drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water every day.
  • Increase your water intake during and after training.

5. Restful sleep, on the list of habits for increasing muscle mass

Enough sleep on the list of habits to increase muscle mass

As hard as it may seem to believe, high quality sleep is one of the basic ingredients to guarantee the increase of muscle mass.

During the rest period, the muscles repair themselves and produce a synthesis of proteins that contribute to the secretion of growth hormones.

We advise you to sleep between 7 and 8 hours without interruption every night. This way, you will have no problem shaping your body as you dream.


  • Avoid electronic devices and other items that can catch your attention immediately before bed.
  • Make sure that the environment in which you sleep is adequate and comfortable.
  • If you have difficulty falling asleep, try drinking a relaxing tea or opt for an aromatherapy session.

For the best possible results, you need to be consistent in terms of the 5 habits for increasing muscle mass presented in this article.

Change your lifestyle completely. As much as possible, avoid harmful foods and practices that can affect muscle health.

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