7 Foods That Regulate Sodium Levels In The Body

The goal is not to avoid sodium intake, but to limit it. To do this, you need to choose fresh and as natural food as possible. 
7 foods that regulate the level of sodium in the body

Strange as it may seem, most industrially processed and semi-processed foods that we consume daily contain sodium. Juices and carbonated drinks from supermarkets are also included. Find out why it is important to eat foods that regulate your body’s sodium levels. 

Excessive sodium consumption can cause hypertension, but also problems in the bones, digestive and cardiovascular system and skin.

Even if it is recommended to reduce your sodium intake, you should not fall into extremes and give up this mineral completely. As usual, moderation is the key.

In case you didn’t know, sodium is very important for cellular metabolism, which mediates muscle contractions and ensures the acid-base balance of the body. In addition, it is good to know that you lose a lot of this mineral through urine, feces and sweat.

Given all of the above, it is essential not to accumulate more sodium than necessary, but also not to lose more than the body needs to perform its vital functions.

How about paying more attention to regulating sodium levels and consumption? Below, we present seven foods that can help you in this regard.

1. Pineapple regulates sodium levels

This delicious fruit stands out for its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Pineapple stimulates lymphatic circulation and is rich in copper and manganese, two essential minerals that help cleanse excess sodium from the body.
  •  In addition, its content of bromelain and vitamin C reduces inflammatory processes caused by the accumulation of sodium in the body, which affects kidney health.

Always eat fresh pineapple and avoid packaged. At the same time, put your imagination to work and add it in various wonderful recipes.

2. Oregano

Oregano on the list of foods that regulate the level of sodium in the body

Oregano is a wonderful spice that can successfully replace salt. Remember: sodium is present in all processed foods, including bread.

One way to reduce the amount of salt consumed daily through bread is to eat this food with a little olive oil and oregano. You will love it.

In addition, oregano contains beta-caryophyllene (E-BCP), a substance that prevents swelling and stimulates blood circulation.  Feel free to add this spice to your diet.

3. Strawberries

Regular consumption of organic strawberries improves kidney health and reduces the level of uric acid, bad cholesterol (LDL) and hypertension.

These fruits regulate the level of sodium in the body, but must be eaten naturally. If you eat jam or drink strawberry juice, you increase your body’s sodium intake without realizing it.

Ripe strawberries, like raspberries, have a higher flavonoid content than raw or frozen strawberries available in supermarkets.

Do not hesitate to eat these fruits when it is their season and enjoy their wonderful taste and benefits with the whole family.

4. Artichokes

Regulates the level of sodium in the body with artichokes

Due to its rich vitamin content and low amount of sodium, artichoke regulates blood pressure.

You can eat this vegetable with a little olive oil and lemon juice. This simple recipe helps cleanse the liver and takes care of kidney health due to the acids, minerals and enzymes present in all three ingredients.

5. Coriander

Coriander is a powerful natural diuretic that you can add to soups and salads. Its intense and unique aroma goes perfectly with many dishes, this spice being an excellent substitute for salt.

In addition, coriander lowers blood pressure, relieving symptoms associated with hypertension, such as headaches or migraines.

6. Garlic

Do you already have garlic salt in your kitchen? If not, do not hesitate to use this natural remedy to combat hypertension and successfully replace the classic salt.

Garlic is a medicinal food with antibiotic properties, which lowers blood pressure. In addition, this vegetable contains allicin, an enzyme that takes care of heart and kidney health. Therefore, garlic cannot be missing from the list of foods that regulate the level of sodium in the body.

7. Raise

Radishes are foods that regulate the level of sodium in the body

Radishes have a unique, refreshing taste and are a medicinal remedy almost as strong as garlic. This very popular vegetable in Indian cuisine fights hypertension.

The secret of radishes lies in the content of ethyl acetate, a compound that offers many benefits if consumed in its natural state. It is definitely worth the effort to chew these vegetables to enjoy their wonderful taste and incredible health benefits.

In conclusion, as I pointed out at the beginning, the goal is not to avoid, but to regulate sodium intake. In this regard, it is important to always choose fresh and natural foods. In other words, opt for foods that can ensure your nutritional balance.

What do you say, will you take more care of yourself from now on? If so, eat these foods that regulate sodium levels.  

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