3 Tricks To Lighten Your Hair Color

If you want to lighten your hair color or change it completely, use the following tricks that work, without damaging the hair ornament.
3 tricks to lighten your hair color

Specialty stores provide us with various products for lightening hair color. Unfortunately, they contain chemicals that, to some extent, can damage the hair ornament. Damage can be irreversible. At the same time, some women get used to dyeing several times a year, aggravating the problem even more. Have you ever wondered if there are tricks to lighten your hair color without side effects?

In today’s article we propose some natural products that help your hair to be lighter in color for longer. With their help, you will no longer have to resort to aggressive substances.

What does it mean to lighten your hair color?

Woman using tricks to lighten your hair color

The hair has three components:

  • The cuticle, which is made up of cells composed of keratin. Its role is to protect the inside of the wires. In addition, the cuticles are responsible for the luster and color of the hair ornament.
  • The cortex, which makes up the body of the hair fiber, representing about 70% of its mass. The rest is composed of keratinized cells.
  • The medullary canal. It is the central part of the hair, where the natural pigments and oils secreted by the sebaceous glands are located. The medullary canal is porous and provides hair texture.

Lightening the color of the hair ornament is a process that involves reducing hair pigmentation. The combination of hydrogen peroxide and bleaching products releases oxygen and attacks the pigments, opening the hair color.

The end result depends on the pigments your hair originally had. If, for example, your hair is dark brown, you will need several sessions before it turns intense blonde.

Tricks to lighten your hair color without damaging it

It is possible to lighten your hair color naturally without experiencing side effects. Using the tricks below, you can reduce the intensity of the current color of your hair ornament. In addition, your hair will definitely become brighter and full of life.

1. Chamomile trick

Chamomile included in tricks to lighten your hair color

Chamomile is one of the most popular products when it comes to light hair color. For this reason, I put it at the top of the list. Another useful whitening agent is lemon, which we can combine with chamomile. The process is very simple!

  • In a pot, boil two cups of water.
  • As soon as it starts to boil, add a sachet of chamomile tea.
  • Put the pot in the freezer so that the infusion cools faster.
  • After it has cooled enough, add the juice of half a lemon.

Apply the mixture on damp hair with a spray bottle and leave it on for about 20 minutes. To get the expected results, use this trick at least twice a week.

One way to speed up the process is to add chamomile extract to your regular shampoo. Thus, your daily shower will become an opportunity to intensify the treatment. Chamomile extract shampoos are also commercially available.

2. Lemon, egg and beer mask

Masks as tricks to lighten your hair color
  • If you want to lighten your hair color without damaging it, start by beating an egg until you get a frothy composition.
  • Then add half a cup of non-alcoholic beer.
  • Mix with a wooden spoon and add the lemon juice.

Apply the prepared mask on damp hair, with gentle massage movements. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. You can use this treatment twice a week.

Yes, it’s true: beer has interesting alternative uses!

3. Applying apple cider vinegar and honey to the list of tricks to lighten your hair color

Vinegar included in tricks to lighten your hair color

Another way to lighten your hair color without endangering it is to use apple cider vinegar and honey.

  • Put a pot of boiling water over medium heat and add two tablespoons of honey.
  • As soon as it starts to boil, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Let it boil for another two minutes.
  • Take the pot off the heat and put it in the fridge.

As soon as it has cooled, apply the mixture on the hair. Dry your hair ornament with an electric dryer to help it absorb the treatment. Leave the treatment on for 20 minutes, then rinse your hair with plenty of water.

After you have successfully used one of the 3 tricks to lighten your hair color presented in this article, take extra precautions to protect your hair ornament. Thus, it will be bright and attractive all the time.

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