Clean Hair For Longer

Surely it hasn’t happened to you just once: you wash your head in the morning and, until the afternoon, you start to see how your hair thickens and no longer shines. You don’t know what to do anymore, so you wash every morning to make your hair look healthier.
Clean hair for longer

Is there a solution? Is there a remedy to help you enjoy clean hair for longer? Let’s see some interesting tricks.

Why do I have clean hair for such a short time?

How to have clean hair for longer

This problem is very common. In general, hair loses its shine and silky appearance when it was freshly washed and cleaned for the following reasons:

  • Excess sebum secretion leads to the appearance of the well-known and unpleasant appearance of greasy hair.
  • Hormones can cause a greater secretion of sebum in the scalp. For example, changes during menstruation can lead to this problem.
  • An unbalanced diet, high in fat, sugar, refined flour or pastries can lead to metabolic problems. Thus, sebum production also increases.
  • At the same time, it happens quite often that the shampoos you use are just aggressive rather than beneficial chemicals. If you use such products for daily head washing, you have certainly noticed that it does not give you the promised results.

In fact, many of the cosmetics on the market make your hair even more “greasy”. It is best to use shampoo only once or twice a week. Otherwise, use natural products, such as those listed below.

What can I do to have clean hair for longer?

Remedy 1: Apple cider vinegar and baking soda

Remedy with apple cider vinegar for clean hair


  • 100 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 100 ml of water
  • 20 g baking soda


  • This simple and effective remedy can be applied twice a week. This way, you will enjoy clean, shiny and silky hair. The benefits are partly due to baking soda. It has alkaline properties that regulate the pH, removing excess sebum from the scalp.
  • As for apple cider vinegar… It seems that this cheap remedy is actually the best hair product out there. Apple cider vinegar makes your hair shiny and soft and removes greasy or oily appearance. To prepare this remedy, you just need to dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in water and add 100 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  • Apply the product obtained on damp hair and gently massage the scalp, then leave it on for 20 minutes. After that, wash your head with warm water. You will enjoy softer and shinier hair for at least three days.

Remedy 2: egg, yogurt and lemon

Egg masks for clean and neat hair


  • 1 egg (with egg white and yolk)
  • 1 natural yogurt
  • The juice of half a lemon


  • This mask is a wonderful remedy that can be used twice a week. Sometimes simple remedies like this give you better results than expensive treatments applied in beauty salons. It’s worth a try, at least once a month. It will surprise you how economical and easy to prepare, as well as how long your hair will look clean. Up to three days!
  • Lemon, for example, is a classic hair beauty product. It helps to regulate the pH of the scalp and helps you to have clean, shiny and beautiful hair. Yogurt and egg act as very nourishing sources for strengthening the hair, giving it vitamins and regulating excess fat and sebum that makes your hair look tangled.
  • How is this mask prepared? It’s very easy. Start by mixing the egg (with egg white and yolk) with yogurt until you get a smooth paste. After that, add the juice of half a lemon and continue to mix.
  • And the next step is very simple: apply this paste on damp hair, making sure it reaches the scalp so that it absorbs the properties of the natural and nourishing mixture. Leave on for 20 minutes, then wash your head with warm water. We are sure that you will enjoy the results and that you will enjoy a shinier and cleaner hair for a longer period of time.

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