Childhood Socialization: Characteristics And Development

Socialization in children is how children define their own identity and become a part of society. Read in this article how you can help your children with social contacts.
Childhood Socialization: Characteristics and Development

Socialization in childhood is an important process in the development of every human being. Your friends and the environment shape your identity and behavior. That’s why we want to tell you more about socialization in children.

What is childhood socialization?

Socialization refers to how you integrate socio-cultural elements into the environment and adapt to society. Through socialization you learn what is right and wrong in your society.

Learning begins at the first moment of life and never ends. However, early childhood is an important stage of the socialization process, as it is when you are most open to learning.

Children are born with the ability to learn and the need for social stimulation. They are called upon to establish bonds and develop friendships, which will play a major role in the early years.

The influence of the environment on childhood socialization

We are all born with a lot of potential to make friends. However, we also have the potential for aggression and violence. It is the environment that determines which of the two will win. This can be done in several ways.

Toddlers learn to play together

Learning through observation

In fact, children mainly learn by watching others. That is, they look at the behavior and consequences of the people around them.

  • Family plays an important role because they are the first social contacts. They act as conscious or unconscious models and constantly give children values.
  • School is the next major socializer that is very important. How teachers teach, how they interact with children and their attitudes will affect how children behave.
  • Media is becoming increasingly important as it transmits social information. Through visuals and simple language, TV and other similar media give children examples of good and bad behavior. It’s important to keep an eye on what your kids are watching. Make sure it is appropriate and has the values ​​you want them to learn.

Play is a form of childhood socialization

Play is another way children learn how to make friends. Through play, children learn to interact with classmates and work as a team.


Stories, fairy tales and books are very important for childhood socialization, and children love these activities. In fact, reading stories has a strong influence on how they learn to interact with others.

Through these stories, children develop their imagination. In addition, they also learn how the world works and how to behave. In addition, they feel less afraid because they identify with the characters.

Always keep in mind that pictures and stories teach more than theoretical arguments. Therefore, you need to make sure that what you teach and show them is the same. Otherwise they get confused.

Making good friends in childhood

How can you develop socialization in childhood?

While this is a natural process for everyone, there are things you can do to aid socialization in children.

When they get friends, kids feel more comfortable being social. That is why it is important not to protect them too much.

If you do, you deprive them of the opportunity to experience their own abilities and personality. You’re basically denying them the chance to learn from their mistakes and do better next time.

Through social relationships, children can change their behavior according to the natural consequences that their actions cause.

Parents should motivate and encourage their children to make good friends. It is also important to give them the opportunity to solve problems on their own. In this way, they also develop their self-confidence.

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