Highway Sections That Will Be Free From Now On

The measure adopted by the current Spanish executive will be applicable to those concessions that expire between 2018 and 2021; Although it will benefit users and, above all, transporters, maintenance costs will be borne by the public administration, which is supported by taxes from citizens
Highway sections that will be free from now on

The Ministry of Development has been reporting in recent months on the various sections of highway that will be free. This measure was taken for highways whose concessions end between 2018 and 2021.

In this sense, and given the news that are becoming known, it is of vital importance that users are informed about it in order to get the most out of this new measure.

The pros and cons of eliminating tolls

The measure to release some of the highways whose concession is about to expire will  begin to be carried out from November 2018 to 2021. However, in the case of the highways that are released in 2021 there could be changes depending on the measures taken by the government at the time.

With this measure, users in general, but especially workers in the transport sector, will benefit from more than 500 kilometers of completely free motorway.

On the other hand, now it will be the State – the taxpayers – who will have to assume the full cost of maintaining these roads, which is estimated between 50,000 and 68,000 euros per annual kilometer. In this way, different companies in the sector estimate that spending can amount to up to 400 million euros.

Increase in toll rates in Spain

In different forums and social networks it is being a very controversial measure. On the one hand, it benefits users, but on the other hand there is concern about considering it a new burden for the state.

The rapid deterioration of the roads due to the increase in traffic and the large maintenance costs  are some of the aspects that most concern citizens, who fear that they will end up paying for said expenses through contributions and taxes.

The previous government, chaired by Mariano Rajoy, had also expressed a tendency not to renew the concessions. However, at no time did he specify a position on the matter.

The new government of Pedro Sánchez seems to be choosing not to renew or extend expired concessions, which in some cases have been in the hands of private companies for more than 50 years.

Free roads

The sections of highway that will be free

  • AP-1 (Burgos-Armiñón)

One of the first freeway sections that will be free will be on the AP-1, which runs from Burgos to Armiñón. In this case, the measure will take effect as of November 30, 2018. This stretch of highway is more than 80 kilometers long and has been in Itínere’s hands for 45 years.

  • AP-4 (Seville-Cádiz)

The second highway to be free of tolls will be the AP-4 in the section that runs from Seville to Cádiz. This section has 93.8 kilometers and has been in the hands of private companies for 51 years; its concession ends on December 31, 2019.

  • AP-7 (Tarragona-Alicante)

The AP-7 motorway has two sections from Alicante to Tarragona. With more than 373 kilometers, the concession will also end on December 31, 2019. It has been one of the companies that has been managed for the longest years by private industry with 55 years, under the tutelage of Abertis.

  • AP-7 (Zaragoza-Mediterranean)

The Zaragoza-Mediterráneo highway, along with two others, will also become free, but in a longer period of time. And this as long as the next government does not change these measures. If we continue with what is planned, the AP-7 will be free from 2021.

  • AP-2 (Tarragona-La Jonquera) and AP-7 (Montmeló-El Papiol)

Like the AP-7 (Zaragoza-Mediterranean), the AP-2 will also be free of tolls from the year 2021. The same will happen with the AP-7 motorway that comprises the route between Montmeló and El Papiol.

  • A Coruña-Carballo and Vigo-Baiona

The Galician regional governments still cannot enter this measure, since the concession expires in 2045. On the other hand, the concessions of the Catalan autonomous communities C-32 and C-33 will expire in 2021, so the decision will also depend on the next government.

However, it has been involved in controversy over the great weight that the State must assume for its optimal maintenance. There is also the fact that part of these measures will depend on a next government.

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