How To Signal A Traffic Accident

No one is exempt from being involved in a traffic accident, every time we hit the road it is a risk to which we expose ourselves and for which we must be prepared
How to signal a traffic accident

Knowing how to signal a traffic accident is vital to get out of it unscathed; It is the beginning of the PAS protocol and its usefulness is indisputable. This is the best way to guarantee the safety of the injured and the rest of the drivers.

What is the PAS protocol?

Basically, PAS are the different steps to follow in any emergency situation. Its acronyms correspond to the necessary order of action: Protect – Warn – Help.

As the roads are areas for the free traffic of cars and motorcycles, the danger of collision and run over increases when we remain parked. The signage protects us from aggravating the loss and from involving other citizens. Now … do we know how to do it correctly?

Accident report in case of collision
Accident report in case of collision.

Report a traffic accident : what do we do first?

The first signaling is done from the inside; no matter what time it is, the right thing to do is turn on the emergency lights of the car, this maneuver will be easy, even if we are injured. This action is important because it provides clues to other drivers and may help you to ask for their help.

The next thing is to take the reflective vest, which should be inside the car. This is provided for in the protocol and the intention of this is to facilitate access to the person in case of accidents. By putting it on, other road users will automatically recognize that we are in trouble.

Subsequently, the handbrake must be applied ; in this way, we avoid involuntary movements of the car. This is much more of a priority and important if we are on a slope or an uneven road.

Placing the reflective triangles

Change car wheel and put the triangles

The first thing to remember before opening the door is that you have to exit carefully. We must never take our eyes off the cars and the road, trying to always move close to our car.

The first objective when exiting should be to look for the reflective triangles, and we should head to the trunk of the car. The law establishes that we must carry with us at least two triangles, both are necessary when signaling a traffic accident.

But it is not enough to just put them where we want; Both triangles must be placed at a minimum distance of 50 meters from the car, in front and behind.

The purpose with the triangles is that this signaling can be distinguished from about 100 meters away; sometimes it is even practical to place the rear triangle a little further.

We must buy approved triangles

It is not only about having the triangle device, but that it meets the minimum quality and legality requirements. We know that triangles are homologated in principle when they have the symbol “E9” and the code 27R03 engraved.

The proper triangle is equilateral (equal-sided) and has reflective red edges. The interior is hollow or empty, which determines its weight and each unit will have reflectors at its vertices.

The measures are also legally pre-established; towards the outside, the sides comprise 65 to 75 millimeters. The height of the support has five centimeters and its distance from the ground will not be greater than 30 centimeters. All of these requirements are important in signage.

What if we are motorcyclists?

How to signal a traffic accident.

The action protocol also covers motorcycle drivers, although its provisions are a bit more flexible. Unless we are in France, it is not necessary to wear the reflective vest.

If the vest is worn, it must have the European Community mark and comply with the requirements established in the UNE-EN 471 law. Although this garment is not a mandatory requirement, it is recommended to wear one under the motorcycle seat , or in the backpack.

Similarly, motorcyclists are not required to wear a reflective triangle according to the legal text. The type of vehicle simply does not make storage of this tool feasible. For this reason, motorcycle users must be very careful with their movements after an accident.

Finally, the corresponding thing is to call the emergency numbers for adequate medical attention ; It is also important to remember our civic obligation to assist injured persons.

The legislation makes us responsible and we can be sanctioned if we do not cooperate. Reporting a traffic accident implies that we are committed to our own and that of others’ safety.

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