Risks Of Sedentary Life On The Brain

There are many risks of a sedentary lifestyle. It can affect both physical health and the brain. Read on to find out more useful information!
The risks of sedentary life on the brain

Inactivity, lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle are detrimental to general health. We’ve known this for years. But in this article, we will discuss the risks of a sedentary lifestyle on the brain.

We live in a world where physical activity is secondary. Many jobs involve sitting down for many hours a day or driving instead of walking.

Risks of sedentary life on the brain and nervous system

The nervous system is not a static structure, but a dynamic one. Synapses are created and modified continuously, and others are eliminated. However, the changes caused by inactivity are not exactly good and this is one of the biggest risks of a sedentary lifestyle.

In a 2014 study by Mischel and colleagues at Wayne State University School of Medicine, they found specific changes in the brain as a result of a sedentary lifestyle.

The researchers chose two groups of rats. One of them moved regularly. Another group did not do it at all. After 3 months, the scientists discovered physical changes in the brain structure of sedentary rats:

Connecting neurons

How to avoid the risks of a sedentary life on the brain

It is known that one of the risks of a sedentary lifestyle is to eliminate routines and disrupt programs, which leads to poor sleep quality. Of course, this only makes the problem worse.

If you do not sleep well, you will have a worse mood and greater emotional instability. In addition, attention and memory will be affected by the fact that you do not get enough rest.

Training lightly improves sleep quality and makes it more restful. Not surprisingly, one of the best ways to treat insomnia is exercise.

Girl who does not know the risks of sedentary life on the brain

Exercise prevents the risks of a sedentary lifestyle and improves mood

That’s right: exercise helps fight anxiety symptoms. It also helps you to be calmer and more relaxed when you sleep. Exercise also increases self-esteem and self-esteem and promotes social activities.

In conclusion, these are the risks of a sedentary lifestyle for the brain and body. Therefore, you can combat them through exercise and stimulation for neurons, such as outdoor activities, visiting museums, or conversing with someone you walk or jog with.

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