Should You Talk To Your Baby In The Womb?

Should you talk to your baby in the womb? The answer is yes! This action improves the baby’s neural development and strengthens the bond with the mother, among many other benefits.
Should you talk to your baby in the womb?

Should you talk to your baby in the womb? All specialists agree with this statement. The benefits are many, not only to stimulate the neural formation of the fetus, but also because you can build an emotional bond between you and your child from the first months of development.

Intuitively, women have always felt the need to talk to the baby they are carrying in their womb, perhaps in response to an emotional impulse. However, with advances in medicine, this action has already been shown to be one of the most beneficial after six months of pregnancy.

For this reason, we will explain each of the benefits of communicating with your child in the womb.

Should you talk to your baby in the womb?

As we mentioned earlier, specialists agree that talking to your baby in the womb has several benefits. Here are the main ones:


Between six and seven months of pregnancy, a baby’s hearing almost completes its formation. When this happens, they begin to pay attention to the sounds closest to them. Logically, these are their mother’s voice and heartbeat.

Of course, they do not hear these sounds clearly, because they are submerged in the amniotic fluid. But constantly listening to these sounds creates a sense of familiarity, protection and connection.

So much so that the fetus is aware of the external habitat from the age of six months. In addition, they can move with pleasant sounds or even be startled by intense noises; a fact proven by doctors evaluating heartbeats.

Therefore, the fact that the mother, father and other family members are constantly talking to a baby will encourage the baby to become attached to the voices that will guide them as they grow. Therefore, it will awaken the love and tenderness of the parents for the unborn baby.

A father touching his pregnant partner's belly.

Benefits for their formation

Specialists believe that talking to your baby in the womb, as well as singing or making music for him, can be a good stimulus for his or her neuronal development.

These external stimuli will arouse a special interest in listening in the child. In fact, it can move in the direction of the sound stimulus it senses, whether it’s the mother’s heartbeat or the sounds of her own intestinal transit.

When babies hear pleasant sounds, they tend to move as a sign of joy. As a sign of this, they move their arms and legs and turn their heads; some moms also report feeling kicks or taps from the movement.

All these actions contribute to the cognitive development of the fetus. They also help calm the baby from the immanent stress they feel due to their anatomical development or even the pressure the uterus puts on their body in the final weeks of pregnancy.

How should you talk to your baby in the womb?

The voices of the mother, father and siblings create a bond with the unborn baby. They can hear them very clearly, especially the mother’s voice.

When talking to your unborn baby, experts recommend speaking in a normal tone, without yelling. Parents and siblings can approach the mother’s tummy to make their voices more noticeable.

The most recommended times of the day to talk to them are afternoons and evenings, as experts believe this is the time when activity increases and they are more alert.

A father with his ear to the belly of his pregnant partner.

Classical music for your baby in the womb

In addition to talking to the baby, many parents also play music. Kids can listen to it, but it shouldn’t be at a high volume as it may cause discomfort to your little one.

At the same time , it has also been suggested that classical music can stimulate children, making them more intelligent. Unfortunately, this claim is controversial, as there are many more studies that are inconclusive about this idea.

In any case, it can’t hurt; many mothers claim that after birth, the child recognizes the melodies played to them in the womb and that listening to them helps them sleep more easily.

In short, mom and dad, start building a bond with your beloved baby through dialogue. As an added bonus, accompany your voice with warm caresses on the belly.

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