Tesla Pretends To Be China’s Automotive King

Elon Musk’s company aims to open its second factory in Shanghai by 2020 and thus deliver its innovative electric cars in the market with the highest demand for this type of vehicle
Tesla pretends to be China's automotive king

Tesla, the enormous American company that has almost managed to conquer the world of technology, motor, engineering and many other fields, wants to enter the market with the great commercial giant with a firm step.

We are talking about China, where among so much competition it is difficult to gain a foothold, but of course, we are before one of the companies with the most future, nothing more and nothing less than Tesla, the king of electric cars.

Why Tesla in China

Despite being one of the most cutting-edge companies in the world, Tesla is not satisfied and wants to continue growing. What better place to do it than in the great giant of commerce?

And not only that, because China is the main market for electric cars in the world, a field in which Tesla is betting heavily, because it knows that it is the future.

Despite its efforts, the large company has so far only achieved 3% of electric car sales in China, ranking 10th. And how does Tesla plan to reverse the situation? Being present there, in the country where the demand for electric cars is the highest in the world.

The large American company sees China as a rough diamond for the electric car market, and of course, doing everything from the United States is more complicated since Donald Trump raised tariffs on business carried out between the US and China. Not to mention the Chinese revenge, which taxed American products by 40%. Manufacturing in China will be the best way to jump over that barrier for Tesla.

Tesla in China

Tesla is already present in China

What at first seemed like a simple idea, one more proposal or one more dream, is now a reality. They had never thought of creating a second factory until now. Why if with only what they have they have earned a position in the world market? Well, now its second factory will be in Shanghai, which will mark the history of the brand and the Asian country.

It is estimated that the new Tesla factory in China will produce an average of 500,000 cars a year, of which there will be big benefits for being manufactured there and for skipping the huge tariffs that Donald Trump has imposed.

Not only will this be a huge profit for Tesla, but its reputation will also go through the roof, not to mention the prestige that the country will gain by driving the purchase of electric cars from the global electric car giant. Everyone wins with this deal.

Tesla Model S in China

On the other hand, China will also be a springboard to reach other Asian markets  and favor the production of electric vehicles. The expansion of Tesla will be a reality, as China wants to increase sales of electric cars before 2025 by seven million annually, so a good piece of this cake will go to the large American company.

Will Elon Musk have any surprises to inaugurate his new factory in China in the form of an innovative model? We will have to wait for that, although not long, as he wants the new factory to be operational by 2020 and its maximum performance to be reached in 2023 at the latest.

The Goliath of electric cars arrives in China and promises to step on those who meet along the way to get the biggest piece of the cake. We will follow the progress and development very closely to inform you, because we think it is very interesting news.

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