The AEIOU Method Of Raising Children

It is important that you raise your children with love and respect. The AEIOU method will help you with that. Learn more about it in today’s article.
The AEIOU method of raising children

The AEIOU method focuses on raising children with respect and love. This method helps promote children’s development and will improve your relationship with your children.

Some parents think that raising their children with a heavy hand is the best way. They find it appropriate to impose their authority and instill fear in their children so that they will listen to them. In other words, they are authoritarian parents.

On the other hand, there are other parents who take a very submissive attitude when it comes to parenting. They give their children everything they want and don’t set boundaries, even when they misbehave.

What is the AEIOU method?

Samantha Biosca, a coach (Spanish link), created this method. She identified five points that she believes are key to raising children. These points are a set of guidelines that parents should follow in their daily relationship with their children. By doing so, parents give their children an adequate model.

The AEIOU method of raising children

These five points coincide with each vowel of the alphabet. Let’s take a look at them.

A: Active listening

When our children speak, you need to do more than just hear what they say. In addition, we have to pay attention to their body language, because it expresses a lot. In fact, children often say more with body language than with verbal language.

So when your little one talks to you, it’s important that you give him all the attention in the world. Pay close attention to their body language and what your child is trying to tell you. That way they will feel understood and you will understand them better.

E: Be an example (exemplify)

We all know that children learn by imitating and following the example of their parents. So if you’re on your phone all day, you can’t expect them not to do the same.

Remember that parents are role models for their children. Our little ones assume that everything we do is right. So if you want your kids to grow into empathetic, autonomous, and responsible adults, you need to lead by example.

I: Inform yourself

Of course there is no magic formula for raising our children. What we can do, however, is seek all possible information about the best methods of raising children. There are thousands of books and manuals about it. We are also in the age of the internet. So whatever information you need, you can find it online.

However, it is important that you know how to distinguish between valuable information and incorrect information. While there is a lot of true and valid information out there on the internet, there is also a lot not to believe. Do your research carefully.

O: Organization

It is so important to teach children how to stay organized, even at a young age. In this way, they will also remain organized in their adult lives.

When we talk about order, we’re not just talking about keeping their rooms in order, but also about spiritual order. And how can you teach them that? You can set up routines and schedules that will help them stay organized from an early age.

Also, children need boundaries and habits to feel safer and function better.

mom helps son

You: Unify

By unifying we mean:

  • Be consistent when it comes to raising your child. You should always stick to the guidelines you have set and set rules and boundaries. For example, you may have a rule that your child should not watch TV until they have picked up their toys. So, if they don’t pick up their toys, but you let them watch TV anyway, you’re not being consistent.
  • Both parents should agree on the same parenting style. Therefore, if there is something that you and your partner disagree on, you should talk it out before you talk to your kids. That way you can avoid contradictions that could eventually confuse your child.

The AEIOU method: conclusion

The AEIOU method can be a very effective way to raise your children in a positive way. This method emphasizes treating your children with love and respect.

Remember that positive parenting is always the best option because you won’t hurt your child doing it. Also, it will greatly improve your relationship with them. Try putting the AEIOU method into practice! It will be great for you and your kids!

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