Vision Treated With Garlic

Did you know that, thanks to the sulfur compounds in its composition, garlic is an ideal food to treat high blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia? Among other things, these two imbalances cause vision loss.
Vision loss treated with garlic

Vision loss is a health problem that occurs with age. Even though eye problems are different for each person, a high percentage of the population suffers from an age-related vision disorder.

Unfortunately, many people tend to ignore vision loss until it worsens significantly and can no longer be remedied. To protect our eyes, doctors and specialists recommend that we improve our lifestyle, including eating habits.

In order to function optimally and not be damaged, the eyes need fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants. For this reason, it is essential to enrich our daily diet with foods that are good for eyesight.

For example, daily consumption of garlic can prevent and even remedy macular degeneration. This benefit is due to the sulfur and essential minerals in garlic. These nutrients protect the eye membranes.

What is macular degeneration?

Vision loss can be caused by aging

Macular degeneration is an eye disease that involves impaired central vision, affecting the patient’s ability to observe details and read. Although it generally affects people over the age of 60, there are also cases of younger people suffering from macular degeneration.

This disease is triggered when the macula (a small region of the retina) begins to deteriorate or is damaged. Usually, macular degeneration is one of the consequences of aging.

Sometimes, however, macular damage can be accelerated by certain unhealthy habits or some diseases.

People suffering from macular degeneration experience symptoms such as blurred vision, dark spots or distortion of central vision and sometimes even permanent loss of central vision.

How does garlic help prevent and treat vision loss?

Thanks to its high nutrient content and its beneficial properties, garlic is today one of the most popular foods in terms of eye protection.

Compounds derived from sulfur, selenium and vitamins in garlic alleviate the symptoms of macular degeneration.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action of garlic protects the eye cells and prevents their destruction due to the harmful effects of free radicals.

Moreover, garlic regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels, two factors that influence vision loss.

Blood pressure and vision loss

High blood pressure can affect vision loss

People who suffer from high blood pressure have an increased risk of suffering from eye disorders. The reason is that this health problem hinders blood circulation, adversely affecting the retina.

The retina needs an optimal level of oxygen to function properly. Restricted blood flow can impair vision. Fortunately, garlic facilitates blood circulation and regulates systolic blood pressure.

Cholesterol and vision loss

In addition to affecting cardiovascular health, high cholesterol in the blood causes fat to build up behind the retina. In the long run, these lipids can weaken vision, eventually causing it to be lost.

Garlic contains sulfur and powerful antioxidants that prevent the synthesis of “bad” cholesterol. This food also keeps your overall cholesterol under control.

How can we use garlic to prevent and treat vision loss?

Garlic has many health benefits

To prepare the next remedy, you need a garlic press. With the help of this kitchen utensil, you can crush the garlic cloves so that you get a thick paste. Of course, if you don’t have a garlic press available, you can use a knife and a chopper or a mortar and pestle.

Consumption mode

  • To take advantage of the benefits of garlic, we advise you to eat one or two cloves of garlic every day.
  • Eat this raw food. If you boil it, garlic can lose up to 90% of its beneficial properties.
  • You can also combine this food with a little lemon juice and olive oil.

Now that you have found out the benefits of garlic for the eyes, do not hesitate to include this very healthy food in your daily diet!

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