What Is Shaken Baby Syndrome?

What is Shaken Baby Syndrome?

Shaken Baby Syndrome is one of the most tragic consequences of child abuse, and one of the most common problems.

Shaken Baby Syndrome occurs when a child is violently shaken. As a result, the brain is bumped against the inside of the skull. Subsequently , this can lead to irreversible and often fatal injuries.

Baby heads are small and very sensitive. A baby’s brain is large in proportion to the skull. Therefore, shaking a baby can cause their brain mass to be crushed against their skull. This can cause inflammation and internal bleeding.

This condition generally has no noticeable outward symptoms. This means that it is probably not possible to tell if someone has shaken a baby.

There are no sudden changes or visible signs to watch out for.

When do we speak of Shaken Baby Syndrome?

As surprising as it may seem, even a brief shaking of less than 10 seconds can be enough to cause Shaken Baby Syndrome. It can happen when the baby bumps his head, or when an adult shakes him, which generally doesn’t happen by accident.

Even the smallest bump on the head can cause injuries to newborns or small babies. Even a thump from soft objects, such as being hit by a pillow or thrown against a mattress, can cause serious damage.

Shaken Baby Syndrome is most common in children under the age of two, but it can occur in children up to the age of five. This generally happens when a child is mistreated or physically abused.

However , occasionally it can happen due to minor shaking movements. For example, jogging with your baby in your arms, lifting or putting them down too quickly or throwing them in the air while playing.

Father playing with baby

In fatal cases, shaken babies can be affected by whiplash, just like victims of a car accident.

What are the symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome?

When a child suffers from Shaken Baby Syndrome , the parents tend not to talk too much about the symptoms.  That’s because the condition is associated with cases of child abuse.

In some cases, doctors can’t even identify it because no one expects this situation to occur.

Nevertheless, there is a common pattern of symptoms that may indicate Shaken Baby Syndrome including the following:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Breathing problems
  • Impaired vision
  • convulsions
  • Drowsiness or drowsiness
  • Lack of appetite or vomiting
  • Unusual behavior
  • Lack of alertness
  • color change of the skin; pale or bluish skin

What should you do with Shaken Baby Syndrome?

Shaken Baby Syndrome

It is very common for some people to feel stressed when they hear a baby cry.  To the point where they impulsively shake the baby. It is very difficult for parents to find out that the person taking care of their child has mistreated their child.

However, you may encounter this situation  with relatives or witness a stranger shaking your baby.

In this case, the most important thing is to help the child. When they stop breathing, have fainted or have convulsions, first aid can be given, preferably by an experienced expert.

Then you inform the authorities because this is a case of child abuse.

Prevention is better than cure

In short, it is much better to avoid this kind of situation than to have to treat Shaken Baby Syndrome. Be very careful to avoid shaking your baby in any way.

Make sure that anyone who will care for your child is patient and tolerant of small children.

Shaking up a crying child will not calm the child and is extremely dangerous. Instead, use sound such as the radio. Or sing and speak softly to the child.

When you are tired or stressed ,  ask someone to lend you a hand while you rest. A baby can cry for a variety of reasons.

Sometimes there is a simple reason for their tears, so check to see if they are in pain or if anything is bothering them. 

Crying will not harm a baby. On the other hand, shaking them is extremely dangerous. 

If a child is already suffering from Shaken Baby Syndrome, it is very important that the doctors know all the symptoms and are aware of any other relevant information.

The most important thing is your child’s health.

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