What To Do If The Car Runs Out Of Water

The first of all is to stop quickly, as long as road and traffic conditions allow it; then, you have to turn off the engine and let it cool down to fill up the fluid and, finally, visit the mechanic to check its condition
What to do if the car runs out of water

This is a very important fault. The consequences for the engine and other vehicle components can be fatal. When the car runs out of water, act quickly to avoid further damage.

The causes that can give rise to this situation are varied. From a leak in one of the hoses that make up the cooling circuit, to a crack in the radiator or in the antifreeze tank.

Also the absence of liquid can be due to electrical failures (due to overheating as a result of the malfunction of the electric fan), as well as a malfunction in the water pump.

Running out of coolant

Modern vehicles

The technologies installed in some latest generation vehicles automatically force drivers to take the first measure in these cases. And this is none other than stopping the vehicle and turning off the engine.

Several current models have systems that, as a warning, subtract power from the engine. Simultaneously they can measure signals on the control panel; If the driver ignores these signals, the head gasket will ‘heat up’ and the failure will be very costly.

 If the car runs out of water, you have to stop

When suspending the march, all the safeguard measures must be taken, according to the circumstances, such as parking correctly on the shoulder. Also use the safety triangle to signal other drivers of the presence of a damaged vehicle.

Change car wheel and put the triangles
Warning triangle located at the correct distance.

Basic procedure

In severe overheating, white smoke will begin to erupt from under the engine cover dramatically. However, this is not always the case.

Why wait a while when opening the hood? Among other things, the risks of being burned by contact with components that are at high temperatures are reduced .

On the other hand, if the reservoir cap is removed and the liquid is still boiling, it will evaporate quickly. The latter situation also carries risks of injury.

When the temperature of the vehicle has fallen sufficiently, it will be possible to evaluate if the loss of water has been partial or total. Only once the missing water is replenished, can the march be continued; we must make sure that the water we add is not lost through a hole.

No replacement water? You have to call a tow truck

Traditionally it has been common for vehicle owners to carry a bottle of water for emergencies. The most far-sighted bought a container of the antifreeze formula they were using. Today, this is not so common anymore.

Fill antifreeze

The vehicle must be stopped regardless of whether the distance to travel is a few kilometers. What at first could be a failure not very expensive to solve, can turn into a serious failure. You have to call the tow truck.

The source of the problem must be determined

If the car runs out of water, it is an indication that something is wrong. Overheating episodes are very likely to become frequent, even if the cause of the problem is not corrected correctly. With the addition that, as time passes, the risks of major damage will increase.

It is important that, once you get out of trouble, take the vehicle to a trusted mechanic for a thorough evaluation. This will avoid future uncomfortable situations.

It is better prevent

Every 1,000 km or at least once every 60 days, the antifreeze reservoir should be checked to assess fluid levels. In the same way, you will have to do the same before embarking on a trip that involves traveling long distances.

Those who drive only through urban centers should remain equally vigilant. Traffic jams in metropolitan areas generate greater wear and tear on cooling circuits, compared to long routes on highways.

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