What To Eat If You Suffer From Diabetes And Hypertension?

If you suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure, it is important that your diet includes foods that are helpful in controlling both diseases. You should also avoid any potentially harmful foods.
What to eat if you suffer from diabetes and hypertension?

Many people suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure and feel that it is extremely difficult to follow a diet completely free of salt and sugar.

However, it is possible to adopt a healthy diet that meets the needs created by both diseases. In today’s article we present what you can eat if you suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure.

Some tips for people suffering from diabetes and hypertension

More and more people are suffering from diabetes and hypertension

Follow the recommendations received from your doctor. It will tell you which foods you should eat, avoid or eat less often.

In addition to eating, there are certain healthy habits that it is advisable to adopt. These will make the difference between a healthy life or one in which the symptoms caused by diabetes and hypertension prevent us from performing our daily tasks. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Avoid harmful habits such as sedentary lifestyle and smoking. Alcoholic beverages are high in sugar, so do not consume them.
  • Do not eat processed, pickled or smoked foods.
  • Reduce the amount of salt included in the preparations and avoid keeping this product handy when serving meals. In order to season your dishes, it is better to opt for plants such as rosemary and rosemary.
  • Drink 10 glasses of water during the day (serve the first 5 in the morning).
  • Establish a diet plan with the help of a specialist. Chew slowly every Sunday and set aside 30 minutes for each meal.
  • Serve three meals a day, one every three hours, with small snacks between meals. Measures the proportions and amount of food consumed.
  • Be disciplined in your daily routine and lifestyle. Record every meal you serve in a diary, as well as your mood and any other symptoms experienced.
  • Measure your blood sugar and blood pressure every day at the same time (for example, after breakfast, before lunch or after a nap).

What should the diet of a person suffering from diabetes and hypertension include?

You may suffer from both of these diseases, but they can be triggered at different times. For this reason, you need to adopt a balanced diet. If you suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure, be careful what foods and drinks you choose to eat. In addition, you will have to pay special attention to the quantities served.

Your diet should be low in sodium, fat and carbohydrates. This rule is not optional. Regarding the foods you are advised to eat, take into account the information below.

Foods rich in soluble fiber

Fiber is essential if you suffer from diabetes and hypertension

This type of food stabilizes the level of fat and can be used as a substitute for salt. Moreover, fiber prevents constipation and balances blood pressure. Among the foods rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids (indicated for those suffering from diabetes and hypertension), the best options are:

  • Cereals (whole grains, oats, barley, wheat bran)
  • Dehydrated beans and peas
  • The apples
  • Carrots
  • Dried fruits
  • salmon
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Tofu


Any healthy diet should include vegetables, especially if you suffer from diabetes and hypertension. It is best not to add salt when cooking them (or to include only low amounts of salt). Serve raw, steamed, cooked or seasoned vegetables. We advise you to consume:

  • Garlic and onion
  • Lettuce, cabbage and broccoli
  • radishes
  • Mangold and spinach
  • Celery and turnip
  • Tomatoes
  • Eggplants


A common misconception is that diabetics cannot eat fruit because it is sweet. With some exceptions (bananas, for example), people with diabetes and hypertension can eat any fruit as long as they do not overeat. Do not hesitate to consume:

  • Oranges
  • tangerines
  • Grapefruit
  • Strawberries
  • apples
  • pears
  • Watermelon


Certain fish are useful if you suffer from diabetes and hypertension

Eating fish three times a week is a healthy habit recommended for people suffering from diabetes and hypertension. Cold water fish (“blue”) are the most beneficial type, providing omega-3 fatty acids (which fight heart problems), vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

It is advisable to eat cold water fish to keep all your cells and organs in optimal condition. The healthiest options are:

  • salmon
  • Sardines
  • mackerel
  • tone
  • Hake
  • Group

Dairy products

Foods in this group are high in calcium and do not contain as much fat as other products. Thus, dairy products can help you avoid overweight, keeping your blood sugar under control. Consume the following dairy products (skimmed):

  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Butter

If you want to eat processed foods, be very careful because they tend to be rich in salt. And low-sugar foods usually have a significant sodium content (a famous example is the oatmeal we serve for breakfast).

When shopping, read the information on the food packaging carefully. Although this habit robs you of time, it will be easier for you to decide what is good to eat and what is not.

A first step you can take is to spend more time in the fruit and vegetable section of supermarkets. This trick helps you choose healthier foods.

If you suffer from diabetes and hypertension, change your diet

In addition to following a healthy diet, you should exercise at least three times a week. To increase your well-being, give up sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy habits. You can exercise even if you suffer from diabetes and hypertension and do not need to perform too intense exercises.

Last but not least, follow all the advice of your doctor and nutritionist carefully. Ask these specialists to clarify any questions you may have, including those whose answers seem obvious. Keep track of all the foods you eat so that your doctor can evaluate your diet.

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